la mejor opcion para descargar lo que tu desees
¿A qué estás esperando?Descarga ConvertXtoDVD y disfruta de tus vídeos tumbado cómodamente en tu sofá.
ConvertXtoDVD soporta los siguientes formatos:DivX, XviD, MOV, VOB, MPEG4, MP4, AVI, DV, WMV, AC3, DTS, PCM, OGG, MP3
Fixes out of sync issues with Flash video (FLV). Flv comes often with a very bad timing and non standard frameratesImproving Framerate detection on some MPEG/VOB/IFO sources
Fixing some loading issues with AVI files
include new burning SDK dll
Copyright 2007 ID Media Inc, All Right Reserved. Crafted by Nurudin Jauhari